Grey Bruce is in the green-prevent zone in the Ontario COVID-19 response framework.
There remain limits on activity to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Individuals should not be gatherings in uncontrolled situations.
Residents are reminded staying home is still the best way to protect yourself and others.
You are strongly advised to:
- stay home as much as possible
- avoid social gatherings
- limit close contacts to your household
- work from home if possible, and allow your employees to work from home if they can
- maintain two-metre physical distancing
- avoid travel except for essential reasons; essential includes:
- going for food or medications
- going to work – if it can’t be done at home
- going for healthcare services
- supporting vulnerable community members
- going to childcare or school
- getting exercise or walking pets
Observe limits of 10 people indoors and 25 people outdoors for all organized public events, social gatherings and weddings, funerals and religious ceremonies.
Wear a face covering or mask:
- indoors, any time you are within two metres of someone outside your household • if physical distancing cannot be maintained
- if wearing one is required
- whenever face-to-face with someone outside of your household, especially if you are within two metres
Grey-Bruce statistics, to date, indicate that schools are safe environments. The positive outcomes of in-person learning and socialization eclipse the low risk of COVID-19 acquisition in the controlled environment of schools. Implementing robust public health measures such as physical distancing, cleaning practices, direct observation, enhanced screening measures, and wearing a mask correctly all contribute to that success.
Remember, not all of the protective measures in schools are in place outside the school environment.