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Health unit investigating two sudden deaths at Orillia facility

It was revealed Wednesday that a staff member worked at the long-term care home while infectious; Cause of deaths are being investigated
spencer house orillia
Spencer House, Orillia.

The Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit (SMDHU)  is investigating two sudden deaths at Spencer House, a long-term care home in Orillia where an employee tested positive for COVID-19 Wednesday.

Dr. Charles Gardner, medical officer of health for SMDHU, said neither death has been confirmed as related to COVID-19, but the deaths are under investigation. 

"We're still waiting on confirmation, but they need to be investigated given the context," said Gardner. 

Two other residents have been tested as well as 10 staff members. Another eight staff have been identified as potential cases of COVID-19.

Gardner said he expects the health unit will receive the test results by tomorrow (April 4), including the results of two swabs taken from the two residents who died. Gardner said he didn't know what more, if anything, the coroner would require to rule the cause of death from COVID-19.

Though test results will be delivered to the health unit tomorrow, they may not be reported publicly until Monday. The health unit is currently only doing case updates on weekdays. 

Since there are now 18 staff isolated for at least 14 days, Gardner said Spencer House is short-staffed. 

"The home is in a difficult situation for staffing," he said. "They are bringing in some nursing students to help alleviate that." 

It was revealed Wednesday that someone who works at Spencer House, on West Ridge Boulevard, had tested positive for COVID-19. Asked how long the employee was infectious while working at the facility, Gardner said on Thursday, “more than a day, less than a week.”

He could not say how many residents were in contact with the worker while he or she was infectious or if the worker was aware he or she was infectious at the time.

Yesterday, Gardner said there was 'no evidence' others had contracted the virus. 

“We’re monitoring that situation very closely,” Gardner said.


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