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Hospital foundation events cancelled for next three months

All fundraising and recognition events are cancelled until July 2020
Collingwood General and Marine Hospital. Erika Engel/CollingwoodToday

In discussions with the administration of the Collingwood G&M Hospital and its medical staff leadership, the CGMH Foundation has decided that the best way to protect its donors and to help slow the spread of COVID-19, is to cancel all CGMHF fundraising and recognition events until July 1, 2020.

The donors who are most supportive of CGMHF are often those who are also most susceptible to complications from COVID-19 – people over the age of 65 and those with underlying health conditions who show their gratitude for care by attending CGMHF events. We can help protect these higher risk populations by practicing “social distancing.” 

Physicians and staff at CGMH have already implemented plans to practice and promote social distancing which means limiting public interactions whenever possible.  For example, medical staff meetings will now be held via video link which limits the number of physicians in any meeting room at one time. 

“While the risk to the public remains relatively low in our community, the most responsible way forward at this time is to discourage high risk individuals (seniors and those with significant underlying health problems) from attending gatherings of large crowds,” says Dr. Mark Quigg, Infection Control Lead for CGMH. “We want to do whatever we can to protect people’s health and avoid undue stress on our local healthcare system like what we are seeing presently in several other countries.”

While CGMHF events will be cancelled for the next three months, the need for community support has not subsided. Given that CGMH physicians and staff will remain on the frontlines of this unprecedented public health issue, It is more important than ever to ensure they have the tools and technology needed to accurately and quickly diagnose patients and to provide the very best care.

To support CGMHF, please visit
