The Grey Bruce medical officer of health has now declared an outbreak at Meaford Long Term Care Home over.
Dr. Ian Arra, of Grey Bruce Health Unit, declared an outbreak at the Meaford facility on July 20 after a temporary staff member tested positive for COVID-19. The staff member was non-active.
The Ministry of Long-Term Care requires an outbreak declaration after a single positive test result in a resident or staff at a long-term care facility. This triggers certain protocols like no visitors and expedited testing facility-wide.
Dr. Arra announced this weekend all tests for residents and staff came back negative and so the outbreak declaration is lifted.
The temporary, non-active staff member was the only person to test positive for COVID-19.
Grey Bruce Health Unit has reported 118 cases of the coronavirus since the start of the pandemic, two people were hospitalized, but have now recovered, and there have been no cases resulting in death. There are currently three active cases in the region.
Since Dr. Arra declared the Meaford long-term care outbreak over, there are no other outbreaks at long-term care or retirement homes in the region.