WASAGA BEACH - The Town of Wasaga Beach is closing several of its beachfront municipal parking lots, effective immediately, to discourage day trip visitors from accessing the area during the pandemic.
However, two town lots – Playland Park Square and Spruce Street – are staying open and starting Friday, June 5 will be for residents with municipal parking passes only. Discussed later in this release are details about how to obtain a pass. These changes do not affect five privately operated lots in the beachfront area or lots serving individual businesses.
“At the request of the Ontario Provincial Police and Ontario Parks we have made the decision to close most of our beachfront parking lots to deter out-of-town visits,” Mayor Nina Bifolchi said. “Since the arrival of warmer weather, we have seen day-trippers visit our community, congregating near the beachfront in larger gatherings, against provincial emergency orders in place due to the pandemic, and gathering on the beach itself, which is closed by provincial order. This type of activity is unacceptable and against the law.”
Mayor Bifolchi said the town is closing the lots to reinforce the intent of the provincial orders and to support OPP officers, Ontario Parks’ staff, and municipal law enforcement officers – all tasked with enforcing the orders.
“At the same time, we realize most residents in our community are following the provincial directives. They are staying off the closed beach, which is part of Wasaga Beach Provincial Park, and they are avoiding large-scale gatherings. We are providing them parking in two of our beachfront-area lots, if they purchase one of our passes, so they can continue to enjoy the town-owned sand-covered portion of Beach Drive, as well as the provincial park trail network that runs near the waterfront. Our residents deserve to enjoy the area they live in as long as they continue to follow all of the directives. All of our other lots in town remain open for use as per the posted rates and for parking pass holders.”
Another reason the town is keeping two beachfront-area lots open is to support easy access to businesses at the main beach.
“When the time is right we will welcome day trip visitors back to our community,” Mayor Bifolchi said.
While the town is closing the bulk of its parking in the area, there remain roughly 185 privately owned parking spots near the beachfront. The town has no control over these lots. Owners of these lots determine the fees they charge.
Beachfront Municipal Lots open Resident Permit Holders Only
- Playland Park Square: 40 Mosley Street
- Spruce Street Lot: 17 Spruce Street
Municipal Lots Open for Regular Use
- Town Hall Lot: 30 Lewis St
- Main Street Lot: 128 Main St
- Nancy Lot: 137 Mosley St
- Dunkerron Lot: 16 Dunkerron Ave
Private Parking Lots
Five private parking lots (approx. 185 spots) near the beachfront remain open:
- 9 Main Street
- 10 Main Street
- 21 Main Street
- 24 Main Street
- 35 Mosley Street (opposite Playland Lot)
Obtaining a municipal parking pass made simpler
Residents can obtain a parking pass for $28.25 +HST. The pass is good for any of the designated municipal parking lots. There is a limit of one pass per address but the pass is transferrable from vehicle to vehicle.
For full details on how to obtain a residential parking pass, including information about curbside pickup at town hall, see our application online.