CollingwoodToday welcomes letters to the editor at [email protected] or via the website. Please include your full name, daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication). The following letter was submitted in response to a previous article and poll about the US flag at Town of Collingwood arenas. A reader poll attached to the article showed 184 votes for removing the flag and 31 votes against removing the flag. Story and poll can be found here.
Dear Editor,
Recently, I wrote a letter to your newspaper. The letter was responded to by Erika.
The topic of my letter was in reference to the US flags that were in both arenas in Collingwood.
You did publish a poll, and the voters overwhelmingly thought that those US flags should be taken down. That was at least two weeks ago.
Much to my dismay, I saw a US flag still posted in the Eddie Bush arena today. I assume that there is still one in Central arena.
I suppose, even with the results of the vote, I should not have assumed that our voices would be heard .
One article in our local paper, concerned Barrie and its decision to take all the US flags down. Also, Mississauga has decided to remove those flags.
How unfortunate that Collingwood has not taken the same stance as other towns and cities.
Why are we waiting?
Louise Douglas
Collingwood, Ont.