So far, 48 teams and 211 walkers have registered for Collingwood’s Coldest Night of the Year walk, and recipient organization Home Horizon is hoping that number will grow in the coming weeks.
This year’s Coldest Night of the Year walk will run Feb. 22 in 192 municipalities across Canada. In Collingwood, this will mark the 10th annual walk to raise funds for Home Horizon and the Barbara Weider House, which provide services for youth at risk for homelessness.
“We’re all going to come together and walk here in support of Home Horizon and the work we do,” said Pam Osmond, Home Horizon’s fund development manager. “We have some great successes coming out of there.”
Osmond elaborated on some of those successes. Most recently she said two residents of the program have moved onto independent living, three residents re-enrolled in high school, one resident found employment and two residents just received their driver's licenses.
This year, the organization hopes to raise $150,000 to support programming. A little more than half of that goal has been pledged so far. Each walker is asked to raise at least $150 for the cause, and $75 for youth.
Home Horizon targets youth aged 16 to 29 at risk for homelessness in the Southern Georgian Bay area. The Barbara Weider House, their transitional housing program, is staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and currently has capacity for ten youth to live in the house. There are currently between 20 and 25 youth on the wait list.
The organization’s youth outreach program also helps connect youth with other housing service organizations in the community. They work with youth facing complex and challenging barriers including poverty, mental health, addictions, sex trafficking, racism, trauma, family breakdown, and difficult home lives impacted by gender identity or sexual orientation.
Coldest Night of the Year walkers can choose a two- or five-kilometre walk option, starting at Trinity United Church 140 Maple Street on Feb. 22 with walkers encouraged to register starting at 4 p.m.
To register for the walk or donate to an existing team, click here.