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'Chilling' downtown tradition continues, with a few changes

Trick-or-Treating at local businesses has been cancelled, but Black Harvest events run Oct. 28 to 31
2019-10-26 BIAHalloween JO-006
Downtown Collingwood was decked out with festive decorations during the Downtown Collingwood BIA Black Harvest event on Saturday. Jessica Owen/CollingwoodToday

The tradition of Halloween and the Black Harvest Festival continues in historically chilling downtown Collingwood this October, with changes and additions incorporated to keep everyone safe. Join us downtown from Oct. 28 to 31 for new adventures to celebrate the haunting season. 
The spirit of the season has taken over many of the businesses; check out all the windows to see who has been put under the spell of the spirits. There are lots of scary jack-o-lanterns to see!
Travel the downtown to read the Halloween StoryWalk. Start at the beginning and find the pages of ­­Frankenstein Doesn't Wear Earmuffs’, by John Loren as you follow each page of this spooky story right to the end!
Take the challenge of the Black Harvest Scavenger Hunt – find the 10 teal coloured pumpkins hidden in the windows downtown to spell Halloween, download your entry form, complete with great hints to help you find them from the Collingwood Downtown website. Three prizes will be awarded by draw from the winning entries. 
Of course, Black Harvest wouldn’t be complete without a contest to celebrate the wonderfully inventive costumes. This time you are invited to take a picture wherever you are – at home, downtown, at the park – prizes will be awarded in various age categories from babes-in-arms to 10. This year there is even a new family category added. Email your entry to [email protected]  or post on social media using #CollingwoodBlackHarvest. Don’t forget to tell us how old you are!
Deadline for entry to both the Scavenger Hunt and the Costume Contest is at the ‘witching hour’ midnight, Nov. 1.
Please note that due to the current restrictions, the traditional program of trick-or-treating hosted by our Collingwood Downtown businesses will not be taking place, but we hope to welcome that back next year!
This family-oriented Halloween celebration is a Collingwood tradition, join us, or else ...

For further information, call 445-5595 or visit here.



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