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Climate forum to start in new year

Regenerate Grey Bruce is launching online dialogue circles in January
Regenerate Grey Bruce will launch an online dialogue series about climate change next month.

Regenerate Grey Bruce (RGB) plans to launch a series of online dialogue circles in January 2023, to strengthen intergenerational collaboration between leaders, supporters and doers active in regenerating the region’s landscapes and communities.

There will be seven online sessions held on Wednesday evenings from 7-9 pm EST, starting on Jan. 18. The sessions are intended for individuals who are interested and/or already engaged in climate and other stewardship work in the region.

RGB is a project of The Sustainability Project, and promotes a new narrative about how our community can strengthen our vibrant, living landscapes through the practical and spiritual use of Regeneration. Regenerated landscapes prioritize spaces for growing local food, wood and fibre products for local businesses - all the while strengthening soil health, beauty, habitat, carbon and water cycling, and places for healing for a vibrant community.

Madeline Marmor, part-time staff with RGB and community mediator, hopes the series will provide participants with understanding of the friction and leverage points within the region’s community.

“The series will be facilitated using the Peacemaking Circle Process, which we hope participants find helpful to identify their own needs, objectives and barriers to better stewardship engagement,” Marmor says.

Three sessions will be intended to bring together all stages of life, and four sessions intended for elaborating the specific life constraints and needs to stewardship work: Youth (often in education); working adults who live without dependents (any age); adults caring for dependents (often parents); and, folks who live off their savings (often retirees). Please consider joining a session to work with other engaged community members to harness the power of intergenerational organizing to create a healthy and resilient future for our region.

To RSVP to any session and/or to learn more about the series, please email Marmor at [email protected].



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