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Coldest Night of the Year raises $190K for Home Horizon

With donations still coming in, organization surpasses $185K goal
Coldest Night of the Year

Home Horizon has exceeded its goal in its eighth annual Coldest Night of the Year event, raising over $190,000 (and that number is still climbing) with 65 teams and over 320 walkers.

The Coldest Night of the Year is a national event that raises funds for the homelessness community. With 182 charities participating across Canada, Home Horizon, with offices located in Collingwood, is currently ranked sixth overall in terms of funds raised nationally.

“We live in a community that cares deeply about the well-being of others,” says Joan Schatz, fundraising chair for Home Horizon. “We believe that South Georgian Bay is a tight-knit community and understands the value of the work that Home Horizon is doing, demonstrating to the youth experiencing homelessness in our community that their safety is a priority and that their future is important.”

Home Horizon’s goal was to raise $185,000 and they were able to exceed that goal this year.

“More money means that we can extend our reach further and help more youth in our community through outreach, programs, meals, support, and, of course, the Barbara Weider House, which has 10 transitional housing beds,” says Deb Piggott, fund development manager for Home Horizon. “We are incredibly grateful to this community for their support. Thank you to our generous sponsors, volunteers, donors, and, of course, our amazing captains and walkers.”

With lead sponsors BeaverTails, AGNORA, Crozier & Associates Consulting Engineers and Great Gulf, this event saw Collingwood and South Georgian Bay join over 182 communities across Canada for a two- or five-kilometre walk. This year we offered a hybrid opportunity where we presented an in-person event, but offered a virtual option as well. We walked together and apart to celebrate this most necessary and heart-warming event. Congratulations to all our teams and walkers with a special mention to our top fundraising team, MJ Byrnes Irish Pub.

Home Horizon targets youth experiencing homelessness in the Southern Georgian Bay area. The Barbara Weider House, their transitional housing program, is staffed 24 hours a day and currently has capacity for 10 youth to live in the house. There are currently 17 youth on the waiting list for the Barbara Weider House. Their youth outreach program also helps connect youth with other housing service organizations in our community. They work with youth facing complex and challenging barriers including poverty, mental health and addictions, sex trafficking, racism, trauma and conflictual home lives.

To learn more about Home Horizon and the incredible work they do, head to Find photos from the event on social, @home.horizon.
