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Collingwood denied grant money for proposed Fisher fieldhouse

The town will still move forward with a scaled-down design of the building without financial support from the provincial and federal governments
USED 15062018-Goodmorning-EE-4
Fisher Field. Erika Engel/CollingwoodToday

Collingwood's plan for a multi-use facility featuring community rooms and amenities at Fisher Field is being scaled back after town staff received news their grant application was denied. 

The town applied for a provincial/federal infrastructure grant through the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program in 2019, and recently received word their request was denied. The town was hoping the program would cover 75 per cent of the projected $1.4 million cost of an upgraded fieldhouse. 

Dean Collver, executive director of corporate and customer service for the Town of Collingwood, said he is disappointed the town won't be receiving the infrastructure funding. 

"The facility we were looking to establish would have served a larger cross-section of the community," said Collver, noting the plan incorporated requests and input from several partners with needs for a facility. 

The town will go back to a more basic plan for the Fisher fieldhouse including changerooms and four gender-neutral washrooms. Two washrooms will be accessible. The building will be closed for the winter as it will not be heated. 

Collver said the town already has designs and drawings prepared for the basic plan and staff will be putting out a request for tender this year. 

"The goal is to have it ready for soccer season next year," said Collver. 

However, the exact construction schedule will be determined once there is a successful bidder. 

The Fisher Field clubhouse was pitched by staff to council a year ago with initial estimates at about $920,000 funded through development charges and a reserve fund for capital projects as well as some financial contribution from the Collingwood United Soccer Club.

A large component of the budget is allocated to bringing utility services to the site. 

The Town of Wasaga Beach had also applied for funding through the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program and had their $38.7 million application toward a new twin-pad arena and library denied as well. 

According to a news release from Wasaga Beach, Mayor Nina Bifolchi was told there was $10 billion in applications and $1 billion in available funding. 


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