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Collingwood marks VE day anniversary quietly and without a gathering

Though few were around to hear it, Battle's O'er rose from the Collingwood cenotaph today marking the world-changing event

A solitary piper marched to the Collingwood cenotaph today to pipe Battle’s O’er and mark the 75th anniversary of Victory in Europe Day.

Brian Raaflaub, a member of the Bienn Gorm Highlanders, stood at the cenotaph at 3 p.m. today where he also played a special tune called VE 75, a song written by Pipe Major Roger Bayes of the City of Norwich Pipe Band to commemorate today’s anniversary.

In other times, with no state of emergency and no rules about gatherings, there would have been a ceremony at the cenotaph, and Raaflaub would have been joined by a crowd of pipers and drummers.

But today he was alone save a few people, spaced very far apart, who stopped to hear the music.

“This is paying respect to things that happened a long time ago that we still reap the benefits of today,” said Raaflaub. “In these days of social distancing, it’s about doing it through any venue or ability you have.”

He asked Pipe Major Sheila Stewart, if he could have the honour of playing at the cenotaph on the anniversary of VE Day.

“It’s important to me,” said Raaflaub, adding he was proud to be part of it. “During this difficult time it’s especially important to stop and pay tribute to the hundreds of pipers and personnel who saw wartime service, along with those in Canada and around the world who gave their lives to ensure and allow us to celebrate the freedom we all have today.”

This morning at 11 a.m. Pipe Major Scott Buchanan and Sergeant at Arms Ken Templeman also attended the Collingwood cenotaph and laid a wreath to commemorate the 75th anniversary of VE Day.

After his last note at the cenotaph this afternoon, Raaflaub said he was heading to a nearby residence where a friend and Second World War veteran lives. Raaflaub planned to pipe for the veteran.

Other members of the Bienn Gorm Highlanders joined the VE Day anniversary tribute from their driveways today. Many of the pipers, including Raaflaub, have already been playing in their driveways each night at 7:30 p.m. in support of frontline workers.


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