In an attempt at a compromise, developer FRAM and Slokker has committed to including a restaurant in their plans for the Collingwood Quay waterfront development.
However, the location for the restaurant would be at the south end of the site.
During Monday’s (Feb. 27) regular meeting of council, senior vice president for FRAM and Slokker Fred Serrafero told councillors that the developer would be willing to commit to including a restaurant in one of the two retail spaces planned for the south end of the site in response to council’s concerns raised at their Feb. 13 development and operations standing committee meeting.

The developer has requested a change in zoning on the land, in part to remove the requirement for a restaurant at the north end of the site, which proved to be a sticking point for many councillors during the committee meeting.
“We had some discussions internally, and we are prepared to have one of the two commercial spaces be a restaurant,” Serrafero told councillors. “Rather than at the north end, it would be at the south end.”
The Collingwood Quay development, owned by developer FRAM and Slokker, is looking to build a six-storey, mixed-use building on the 0.7 hectares to the north side of Side Launch Way. The development would be neighbour to the future Perfect World development to the east, and the Harbour House development under construction to the south.
The project is planned to include a maximum of 101 condominium apartment units, and a minimum of 300 square metres of ground-floor commercial space, with underground parking for building tenants and above-ground parking for retail patrons. Also included would be a waterfront promenade/trail around the perimeter.
During Monday’s meeting, Serrafero further clarified that there would be two retail spaces, about 160 square-metre each, built into the development at the south-west corner, and the developer was willing to commit one of the two spaces for restaurant use.
“Putting a private restaurant at the tip means it would be a private space. Patrons of the restaurant could access it, but not the public,” said Serrafero. “We want to create more public space at the base, beside the future public square.”
The property is currently vacant and was historically an industrial site as part of the Collingwood Shipyards. It is currently zoned under the Official Plan as commercial, with some parkland running through the middle of the land.
The purpose of the zoning changes being requested to the property now would be to allow mixed use on the site, including residential dwelling units on the ground floor, to adjust the parkland designation so the trail could run around the perimeter rather than running through the middle of the property, and to remove a requirement for a restaurant at the north end of the site.
“I’m pleased to hear that you’ve been listening to many of the comments being made by the public,” said Coun. Christopher Baines following the developer presentation.
Following the developer presentation, councillors considered an amendment to the motion, which was put forward by Mayor Yvonne Hamlin, to instead seek an opinion from Brook McIlroy, the consultant who created Collingwood’s Waterfront Master Plan, before making a final decision on the official plan and zoning bylaw amendments.
Also included in Hamlin’s motion was a requirement for the developer to include one of the south-west commercial spaces as a restaurant, and that the design of the exterior of the site would accommodate town snow-removal equipment.
“I know you’ve put a lot of work into this, but I’m really opposed to this approach,” said Coun. Kathy Jeffery. “I heard the developer say they’ve already consulted with Brook McIlroy.”
Jeffery said she would be more comfortable just adding an amendment that council would approve the Official Plan and zoning bylaw amendments if the developer committed to including a restaurant in one of the two commercial spaces.
Hamlin disagreed.
“With all the concerns we’ve heard from the community over this, I would like to hear, as a member of this council, from Brook McIlroy,” she said.
Council voted 5-2 in favour of the motion, with Jeffery and Coun. Brandon Houston opposed. Deputy Mayor Tim Fryer declared a conflict and didn’t vote on the matter as he said he has a sibling who owns property adjacent to the development. Coun. Deb Doherty was absent from the meeting.