EDITOR'S NOTE: An earlier version of this story incorrectly referenced the Gateway club as the oldest Probus club in Collingwood, it was not the first club in town, but was the first club for men and women. CollingwoodToday apologizes for the error.
Collingwood's oldest mixed member Probus club celebrated its 25th birthday this month.
The Probus Club of the Gateway welcomed the town crier, Ken Templeman, to its April meeting to mark the anniversary.
The club began in 1998 after an advertisement in the Enterprise Bulletin called for people who would like to start a Probus club in Collingwood. The story goes that about a dozen people responded to the ad and held their first meeting at the Gateway Restaurant.
The club was named for its first meeting place, which is now the site of the Pizza Pizza, and the 200-member club meets at the Collingwood Legion. The club includes retired or semi-retired men and women who meet monthly to enjoy speakers and participate in regular social activities and events based on interest.
Doug Brenner is the president of the club, which he says is a great way to get involved in the community and meet new people.
The Club can currently welcome 20 new members. Probus Club of the Gateway meets at 10 a.m. on the third Tuesday of every month at the Legion, 490 Ontario Street, Collingwood. Guests are always welcome.
For more information, check out gatewayprobus.ca.