Collingwood's poet laureate for nearly three years, Jillian Morris, has announced the release of her first book of poetry called "born, genes, and quash."
The book is a collection of poems that capture Morris' life experiences, culture, teachings, spirituality, curiosity, and love of words.
As a Kanien'kehaka woman and a member of the Six Nations of the Grand River Territory, Morris' poetry is often inspired by the history and stories of her Indigenous ancestors and community. She is the author of the poem "A tribute to our Stolen Spirits" which is featured on a plaque at the Awen Gathering Circle.
Morris's book will launch on Feb. 27 at Simcoe Street Theatre at the Coming to a Prose event featuring Morris sharing her poems and music by JD Crosstown. A book signing will follow the event, and books will be available to purchase.
Doors open at 6:30 p.m. and the event begins at 7 p.m.
The event is free, but seating is limited, so pre-registration is required via Eventbrite.