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Councillor Rob Potter appointed Blue Mountains deputy mayor

Mayor Soever recovering from surgery after heart attack
The Town of The Blue Mountains would like to provide residents with an update regarding the status of Mayor Soever and the appointment of an acting head of Council in the Mayor’s absence.

“Earlier this week, the Town received notice from Mayor Soever’s family that his surgery was a success and that he is recovering and resting comfortably” explained, Chief Administrative Officer Shawn Everitt. “Town council and staff wish Mayor Soever a speedy and successful recovery. We all look forward to having the mayor back at the council table in the future.”

Mayor Soever’s family will provide further updates on his recovery in due course.

At the Monday, Jan. 27, 2020 Council meeting, members of council considered options to fill the vacant Deputy Mayor position. After discussion, Council approved the appointment of current Councillor Rob Potter to serve as the Town of The Blue Mountains Deputy Mayor for the remainder of the 2018 – 2022 term of Council. In addition, council approved the scheduling of a special meeting of Council for Thursday, January 30th, 2020 at 8:45 a.m. for the official purposes of swearing-in Councillor Potter as the new Deputy Mayor.

The appointment of Councillor Potter to the role of Deputy Mayor created an additional Council member vacancy. Staff will be providing a report to Council at a future meeting regarding options to fill the vacant Councillor position.
