As of 10:30 a.m. this morning there are no new confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Simcoe-Muskoka District Health Unit region.
Yesterday, there were two confirmed cases in Simcoe-Muskoka District Health Unit, bringing the area total to three. There was also a case confirmed in a member of Beaver Valley Ski Club on the weekend, but that case was not confirmed within the Simcoe-Muskoka District Health Unit coverage area. It is unknown where the individual was tested or resides.
Collingwood General and Marine Hospital announced it would set up a COVID-19 assessment centre in a tent outside the hospital emergency department later this week. All elective surgeries and endoscopic procedures as of March 16 and non-urgent outpatient visits beginning Tuesday, March 17. You will not need to call the hospital to re-book or cancel, they will reach out later.
Collingwood town hall is now closed to the public, and the library, museum, and recreation facilities remain closed.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau also announced today he was closing Canada's borders to anyone not a Canadian citizen or permanent resident, with exceptions for air crews, diplomats, immediate family, and U.S. citizens.
There were 32 more confirmed cases of COVID-19 reported in Ontario this morning, bringing the provincial total to 177 positive cases and five reported recoveries.
The province also released an online tool to help individuals self-assess themselves or their family members before seeking clinical assessment via Ontario Telehealth or their local doctor’s office. The province also committed to funding more resources for Ontario Telehealth during this pandemic. is maintaining a list of area cancellations and closures here.
You can also visit our COVID-19 page for local, provincial and national updates throughout the day.