Collingwood Climate Action Team's upcoming 'EVent' will offer an up-close look at some of the options for electric vehicles and bikes and the perspectives of the owners who are driving them.
The Electrify Your Ride EVent coming up on Sunday, Oct. 15, will showcase electric cars, e-bikes and more from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. at the Pine Street parking lot.
Those attending the drop-in event can speak with local electric car owners about what they experienced switching from gas-powered to electric vehicles while living in the Collingwood area.
Staff from local car dealerships will also be on hand to answer questions, and will be bringing some 2023 models of electric vehicles.
"If you are considering replacing your second vehicle with an e-bike or upgrading your current bicycle, then this is a great opportunity to learn directly from current e-bike cyclists," states a news release from the Collingwood Climate Action Team. "Learn about the advantages of an EV over a gas-powered vehicle, discover information about applying for rebates, setting up charging equipment, and more."
For more information, visit the Collingwood Climate Action Team website here.