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Fire at VOA factory this morning

Fire crews called to local manufacturer at 7:30 a.m. April 12.
Workers stand outside the door at VOA on MacDonald Road in Collingwood after a fire in one of the ovens. Erika Engel/Collingwood Today

Staff were evacuated from Collingwood manufacturing plant VOA this morning after a fire broke out in one of the ovens.

Fire crews were called to the plant on MacDonald Road at about 7:30 a.m. on April 12.

According to a manager on site, staff were evacuated safely and quickly. She said there was a "small fire" in one of the ovens. By about 8 a.m. they were waiting for the smoke to clear out of the building before returning to work as normal. There were three crews still on site at 8:15 a.m. to check through the building. 

VOA manufactures seat belt webbing for most car manufacturers. It opened in Collingwood in 1996 and is owned by Auto Liv Inc, which is based in Sweden.


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