A flag marking Black History Month was raised at the Collingwood Public Library community flagpole yesterday.
February is Black History Month and there are a few local events designed to educate and celebrate Black history.
In Collingwood, Janie Cooper-Wilson, executive director of the Silver Shoe Historical Society, and local historian, will be speaking to the Collingwood and District Historical Society on Feb. 5 at 7 p.m. For more information, click here.
The Simcoe County Museum is hosting four virtual speaker events on Feb. 8, 15, 22, and 26.
The Feb. 26 lecture will be given by Collingwood residents Carolynn and Sylvia Wilson, who will speak about their family's work to build the Sheffield Park Black History and Cultural Museum and the ongoing efforts to preserve Black history.
You can find event information on the county website here.