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G&M Hospital allowing more visitors starting today

Emergency room patients and outpatients can now receive one visitor, others are permitted two at a time
Collingwood General and Marine Hospital.

Collingwood General and Marine Hospital (CGMH) has opened up its visitor policy further with changes effective today. 

Starting July 20, the hospital moves into the final phase of a four-phase visitor policy. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, visiting has been restricted and in some cases prohibited depending on the type of patient. 

Under the increased access in place now, the following patients can receive two visitors at a time: 

  • children under 18 years old, 
  • end-of-life patients,
  • life-altering diagnosis patients,
  • major surgery patients,
  • critically-ill patients,
  • cognitive impairment patients,
  • patients who are unable to effectively communicate, and 
  • childbirth patients. 

As of today, emergency department patients, long- and short-stay patients, patients requiring transition support, and outpatients are also allowed one visitor. 

Visitors must still be designated or essential caregivers. According to a notice posted by the hospital, CGMH employees will work with families one-on-one to determine what visitor support is essential for an inpatient or outpatient appointment. 

The hospital is also asking families to appoint a designated spokesperson to streamline communication between the family and the hospital. 

Visitors will still be required to enter through the main doors and will be screened at entry and provided with a hospital mask. 

Families can drop off food items for patients, but it cannot be items requiring heating or refrigeration. 

For a full list of visitor requirements, visit the hospital website.


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