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Grey Highlands launches community, recreation directory

The GoGuide will list community resources for sports, recreation, service groups, arts and culture, and health and wellness
2020_08_19 Grey Highlands highway sign_JG


The Municipality of Grey Highlands, in partnership with the South East Grey Community Health Centre (SEGCHC), is pleased to announce the  launch of a new online information platform, 

As part of the Grey Highlands Strategic Plan, creating this comprehensive guide for community and recreational resources was an objective under the healthy lifestyles priority.

It will serve as a community directory and repository for local health, wellness, community well-being information, and gives community volunteers the  opportunity to list their organizations and contact information, as well as provide a brief description of the important work they do within South East Grey. 

The GoGuide was unveiled at the Grey Highlands Volunteer Appreciation event on April 19.

Thanks to the ongoing partnership between the SEGCHC and the municipality, the GoGuide not only enhances awareness of the health and wellness programming offered by SEGCHC but also promotes broader health and well-being opportunities in our community.

The goal of this project is to build a comprehensive online guide that extends beyond the borders of Grey Highlands and includes resources from neighbouring municipalities. 

Use the GoGuide to find community resources in categories such as sports/recreation, community/service groups, arts/culture/music/heritage,  health/wellness/age-friendly, and municipal and community agencies. Community organizations are encouraged to add to the guide by using the online form.

Learn more online here.
