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Latvian singers performing in Collingwood with community choir

Sound Investment Community Choir is one of three choirs in Ontario welcoming the Septini Sapni choir.
Septini Sapni is a community choir from Dobele, Latvia, and they will be in Collingwood next week for a performance with the Sound Investment Community Choir. Contributed Image


Sound Investment Community Choir is proud and excited to be one of three choirs in Ontario, who will be hosting Septini Sapni (which means Seven Dreams), a community choir from Dobele, Latvia.

They will be staying with choir members for three days and they are looking forward to showing them all that our lovely Georgian Bay community has to offer. Don’t miss the special joint concert, Septini Sapni will perform songs in their native language and both choirs will raise their voices in both Latvian and English. Tuesday, May 7, 7:30 p.m., Trinity United Church, 140 Maple Street, $10 at the door.

Audience members will have a chance to meet choir members at the reception, which includes refreshments, following the concert.



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