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LETTER: County's new 'big, ugly bins' create storage issues

Midland resident says she barely fills her existing compost, garbage and recycling bins
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CollingwoodToday welcomes letters to the editor at [email protected]. Please include your daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication). This letter is in response to story titled 'County expects to roll out new waste carts between August, October' published on July 28.

I live in a duplex with a single (very small) garage. Not even wide enough for my vehicle. I park in the driveway. Narrow driveway.

I have seen the size of these new bins and they are huge.

I am a single person and at the present time never fill the current green bin, only about a quarter of a green garbage bag and sometimes one and occasionally two blue recycling bins. I do not require larger containers.

Where would I store them? Where would I place them on garbage day?

It says they must be two feet apart and they are approx two feet across each, so on a regular garbage day with two bins out I would need approximately six feet. Placed at the end of my narrow driveway, I would not be able to get my vehicle out without moving them.  Also in the winter the problem with the snow banks would make it worse.

Why wait until these have been delivered to decide if you would issue smaller bins? Some people just do not have room to store bins that size.

Please reconsider the issue of people that do not need such large containers.

Also take into consideration where they could be stored and how much room they need at the road. The latest information sent out showed options of where to store them. Who would want them on their front porch, not me. I don't have a side yard nor a shed.  Even if I did, how would I get them out during the winter?

I am a single senior and this would present a real problem. I am sure that the area I live in would not like to see a line of these big ugly bins on people's front porches.

Thank you for the chance to voice my concerns.  I have written to the County of Simcoe several times since the first notice about these bins came out, but never received any concrete answers.

C. R. Upton


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