A local organization known for hosting university-level lecture series on various topics is continuing their mandate with live-streamed events this fall.
Georgian Triangle Life Long Learning Institute is hosting two unique lecture series this fall. Subscribers can watch as they are live-streamed on Friday mornings or on video at their convenience before the end of June.
The Perspectives Series consists of four timely offerings starting Sept. 10, including: changing nature, climate change and unusual weather, insights into Canada-US relations in the uncertain times ahead, and Frank Capra’s creative vision in film.
Next up, Professor Malcolm Thurlby will share his expertise in six sessions about European medieval architecture and its reflections in Canada.
The fall series reviews early Christian and Byzantine architecture, how it evolved and is reflected in Gothic examples in Canadian churches and buildings in the late 19th century.
Starting Oct. 15, take the opportunity to become better informed about famous churches and monuments overseas and their influence closer to home.
To buy tickets for the lectures, visit www.GTLLI.ca.