A local Amnesty International group is marking a major anniversary for human rights with a letter-writing session.
Dec. 10 is the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which was first proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in Paris in 1948.
Work to draft the document began in 1946 by New Brunswick native and the first director of the United Nations Division of Human Rights Professor John Peters Humphrey. The declaration was presented to a commission chaired by Eleanor Roosevelt.
The declaration has been an important document for Amnesty International as a foundation for the work the non-profit does around the world.
On Dec. 9 The Blue Mountains chapter of Amnesty International will be gathered at the L.E. Shore Library in the afternoon and at Grace United Church on Dec. 10 after morning service to write letters.
The letters will fit in with Amnesty International's annual December tradition called "write for rights," which highlights various cases around the world and encourages people to write letters to advocate for people who have been denied rights.
For more information about the local event, email [email protected].