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Local caches loaded up with fresh, new trail maps

You'll find the new trail maps at 120 local retail locations throughout Collingwood and area
Dallyce Macas, George Christie and Jack Marley with the 2025/26 Collingwood trail maps that have just launched.

Hikers, bikers and strollers can get excited as the latest and greatest Collingwood trails map is available now. 

The 15th trail map was unveiled last week by the Collingwood Trails and Active Transportation Committee. Most of the main routes remain the same, but few smaller side trails have been added, and the map of Blue Mountain Village trails has grown a lot since last year. 

The trail map art is done by Ron MacRae and the design and final product is the work of several trail committee members and volunteers led by Jack Marley. 

Local businesses that advertise on the map cover the printing costs, and any donations that come in for the map go directly to the Collingwood trails. 

There are 120 trail map boxes (made, distributed and stocked by trail volunteers) throughout Collingwood and area at local retailers. Cash donations can be left in the boxes. 

An online trail map is coming soon to the Collingwood town website. 

All 15 versions ever made of the Collingwood Trails Map. Erika Engel/CollingwoodToday



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