The following letter was submitted to by Marie LaRose, executive director of the Georgian Bay Family Health Team, which has been coordinating and staffing local vaccine clinics with the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit.
An open letter to the community,
Pfizer, Moderna and Astra Zeneca vaccines continue to be provided in South Georgian Bay at our drive-thru clinics in Collingwood and Wasaga Beach.
Approximately 400 vaccines are given each day, and with vaccine supplies set to rise, we look forward to increasing the clinic days and hours, so that we can vaccinate more and more residents in South Georgian Bay.
Our team are so happy to be at this point in our COVID-19 efforts; offering hope in the form of a vaccine. We chose a drive-thru model because we felt it offered the greatest benefit to patients; it ensures your safety, you will not wait indoors, breathing the same air as many other people, you do not need to find a parking space or to negotiate long line-ups on foot.
Our staff, on the other hand, are working outside, often in inclement weather. They remain dedicated to the cause, and to delivering an excellent service to the public.
We continue to ask that patients attending the clinic come at the exact time of their appointment. Coming early causes traffic congestion and long line-ups. When this occurs, it seems tempers rise. Understanding that we vaccinate five people every five minutes, if you arrive 15 minutes early, there will potentially be 15 cars ahead of you, blocking streets and driveways in the surrounding area.
The system is not perfect, the wait times may be a little longer some days, you may be given information that you do not wish to hear.
Please be kind and respectful, please do not swear or raise your voice. Please treat our staff with the respect and dignity they deserve.
Marie LaRose
Executive Director
Georgian Bay Family Health Team