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More damage last night to Sunset Point

The town is urging residents to stay away from Sunset Point park and Heritage Drive after heavy winds and waves damaged both areas

Last night’s wind and rain storm wreaked further havoc on Collingwood’s Sunset Point park.

The base of the Inukshuk at Sunset Point is now exposed since waves have pulled more earth and rocks away from the structure.

There is also erosion and sinking spots along Heritage Drive where the waves crashed over the break wall last night.

A notice on the town website cautions residents to avoid Sunset Point park and the trail and roadway at Heritage Drive.

“Waves have undermined some of the trail there and the roadway is covered in water,” states the notice.

According to the town website, staff did make efforts to prepare the areas for more weather damage, but they were not enough.

Director of Parks, Recreation and Culture Dean Collver said staff tried to bring in some fill material to mitigate the damage, but it didn't work as well as he hoped it would. He acknowledged it was a band-aid solution staff tried once they heard there would be a storm. He stressed it was never supposed to be a long-term or permanent fix.

“Town staff continue to assess and work with contract engineers on solutions that may reduce damage to town property,” states a notice posted on the town’s website.

Crews are currently on-site at Sunset Point piling rocks at the base of the Inukshuk.
Collver said the town is working with a shoreline engineer to come up with a short and long term plan for Sunset Point and other places around town where high waters have caused damage and severe erosion. 
"We're dealing with something we haven't seen in 100 years," said Collver, referring to the high water levels of Georgian Bay. 


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