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New blood donors sought in Collingwood

Blood donations drop in the summer, but demand remains high
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Canada’s blood bank needs help staying in the black, or, in this case, red.

Canadian Blood Services is looking for new donors to visit blood donor clinics this summer.

Historically, the summer is a challenging time for the nation’s blood supply as donations tend to drop.

However, the demand for blood transfusions continues.

Currently, Canada’s blood supply ranges from three to 14-day’s worth of blood depending on the type. O-negative, the universal donor, is sitting at a three-day supply according to

Currently, less than four per cent of eligible donors are sustaining the nation’s blood supply. Since donated blood only lasts 42 days, those donors have to be consistent in order to keep up to the demand.

For instance, a leukemia patient can require up to eight units of blood per week. A crash victim might need 50 units to survive. Transfusions are required during some births (mother and/or child) and for heart surgery.

In Collingwood and Wasaga Beach, specifically, the Canadian Blood Services is looking for new donors to fill out the appointments and increase the donations next month.

Collingwood’s clinic is coming up Wednesday, Aug. 14 from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the Collingwood Legion. In Wasaga Beach, the next clinic takes place Saturday, Aug. 17 from 9 a.m. to noon at the RecPlex. 


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