Coming up this week, local history buffs and those wishing to learn more about Collingwood's past, can take in a presentation by a former newspaper publisher, now author and photographer, who will be sharing aerial photos of the area from the 1970s to today.
George Czerny is the next guest speaker for the Collingwood and District Historical Society, and he'll be delivering a talk on Monday, May 1.
Czerny will be discussing newspapers and his latest book, Our Changing Collingwood, which is a collection of his own aerial photos of Collingwood and The Blue Mountains taken over the last 50 years. The book is dedicated to the Collingwood hospital and to Hospice Georgian Triangle, both of which are pictured in historic and current photographs in his book.
"If you can't find your house in my Collingwood photographs, you will likely be able to pick out a bird's-eye view of your neighbourhood," said Czerny in a news release.
Our Changing Collingwood also includes photos taken at ground level of some of Collingwood's former industry - like ship building and side launches.
The Collingwood and District Historical Society meeting, featuring Czerny's presentation, takes place on Monday, May 1 at 7 p.m. at the Leisure Time Club on Minnesota Street. Admission is $5 or by historical society membership.
Czerny has eleven books, including his latest, for sale from an online, book-publishing platform at He also has a book about democracy and voter apathy, “Kiss The Ground You Walk On, Canada!”, which he published in 2019, on a Canadian book-publishing platform at
He is a retired newspaper publisher/reporter-