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Photos and paintings at library gallery show decades of change

Aerial photos compare Collingwood in the 1980s to today, paintings depict Collingwood historic events and landmarks
One of the aerial photos taken by George Czerny-Holownia that depict a changing Collingwood over decades.

A local photographer and former newspaper publisher has organized some of his aerial photographs for an exhibit at the local library under the theme of “Our Changing Collingwood.” 

A collection of 60 photos taken by George Czerny-Holownia is hanging at the Collingwood Public Library showing Collingwood as it appeared years ago and as it appears now. 

Czerny-Holownia, once the publisher of The Enterprise-Bulletin in Collingwood, has recently published a book of aerial photography under the title Our Changing Collingwood.

The aerial photo collection in the library goes back to Collingwood about 40 years ago, when the Shipyards were still open and before Mariner’s Haven was developed. 

Also on display at Collingwood Public Library are the paintings of David Warren featuring some of Collingwood’s historic events and landmarks. 

The acrylic paintings depict the shipyards, the great fire of 1881, the grain elevators, the Lady Elgin, the Nottawasaga Lighthouse, Collingwood’s first railway station, the Gayety Theatre, the federal building and other local landmarks. 

Warren’s paintings hang on the main floor, and Czerny-Holownia’s photos are on the second floor. The exhibition will be on display this month and through December. 

There’s no charge to visit the galleries in the library, but donations of non-perishable food items are welcome to the food pantry program.


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