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Rescue vintage items at inaugural ladies night event

Ladies Night fundraiser for the Georgian Triangle Humane Society is taking place March 26 at Treasure Tails
2019-02-27 TreasureTails JO-001
Sue Lajambe is the manager of Treasure Tails in Collingwood on Hurontario Street. Jessica Owen/CollingwoodToday

Whether it’s a second-hand pet or a second-hand item, a little bit of love and care can go a long way.

As the staff of Treasure Tails gearing up for their inaugural Ladies Night event on March 26, store manager Sue Lajambe hopes to draw attention to the work being done everyday at the second-hand shop on Hurontario Street.

“We help animals, but we also help people in the community. Around Christmas time, we had people come in saying things like, ‘I have my mom’s old China set, and it breaks my heart to part with it,’ and we find it a new loving home too,” says Lajambe.

Treasure Tails is considered one of the third-party fundraisers for the Georgian Triangle Humane Society (GTHS) and every penny the store makes goes straight back to GTHS.

“Everything we raise here goes right back to the shelter to help the animals to help with everything they need,” says Lajambe.

Lajambe and her family moved to Collingwood from the Greater Toronto Area about two years ago.

“We were in Brampton and everything was just getting so busy, crazy and chaotic. We wanted to have a slower lifestyle,” says Lajambe. “We literally came up for a weekend, and we stepped out of the van, and it felt like the first time I could breathe. So, we bought a house the next weekend.”

A chance trip to the GTHS to adopt a new senior pet after getting settled led to an opportunity Lajambe didn’t expect.

“I have a thing for seniors,” says Lajambe, with a laugh. “That was how I got to know about GTHS. My mother-in-law already volunteered there so she would tell me stories about all the new pets coming in. Animals and animal welfare have always been close to my heart.”

Lajambe manages the store with a staff of about 40 volunteers. While the store carries items such as furniture, women’s clothing, jewellery, dishes, books, records and more, there have been a few strange items that have made their way to the counter.

“We once had a cheeseboard brought in with a nearly-naked photo of Tom Selleck on it,” says Lajambe with a laugh. “The volunteers thought that was pretty awesome. Somebody snapped it up right away.”

“You just never know. That’s what makes it so interesting, I think. You never know what’s coming in,” she says.

Treasure Tails’ inaugural Ladies Night event is taking place March 26 from 6 to 9 p.m. at the store. The event is free, and will include refreshments, raffle prizes, a fashion show of designer goods and featured jewelry pieces.

“We have two volunteers here who just focus on the jewelry. They inspect everything, value it, clean it, prepare and price it. It’s quite an undertaking,” says Lajambe. “They’ve been keeping the nicest pieces for the Ladies Night to feature.”

Lajambe says the volunteers make everything possible at Treasure Tails, and has gratitude for the work they do.

“Without them, none of this would be possible. I couldn’t do what I do without them,” she says. “Everyone who works here has a heart that’s probably two sizes too big.”

For more information on the Ladies Night event, call 705-293-3323, or visit the Facebook event page here.

“Bring a friend. Bring five friends,” says Lajambe, with a laugh. “If this one goes well, we might make this an annual or semi-annual event.”


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