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School-related COVID case confirmed in Flesherton

A case associated with Macphail Elementary School was confirmed by the health unit today

The Grey Bruce Health Unit has confirmed a positive case of COVID-19 associated with Macphail Memorial Elementary School in Flesherton. 

The health unit reported the case this evening and noted it is working with Bluewater District School Board to address the case. 

On Nov. 30 the health unit identified a probable positive case at the school, and today (Dec. 7) reported a positive case at the school as well. According to a news release from the health unit, the two cases are not linked and there is no evidence of transmission within the school environment. 

There are currently no outbreaks at any schools or childcare services in Grey Bruce. The health unit will only declare an outbreak at a school or childcare centre where there is evidence of transmission from person to person at the education setting.

"Grey Bruce Health Unit has assessed the risk to the bus route and has determined that no further action is required at this time," stated the news release. "Public Health encourages all students throughout Grey Bruce to self-screen prior to attending school each day, as usual." 

The health unit also notes only those considered high-risk close contacts will be contacted and asked to isolate. 

"Determining who is a close contact is a decision that can only be made by public health," states the release. "Those at risk of infection will be contacted within 24 hours of the investigation. Anyone not contacted by public health is not considered at risk and need not take any additional steps including asymptomatic testing."

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