Construction season is just around the corner, and the Town of Collingwood is planning to spend $21.6 million this year on necessary road work and active transportation improvements.
With the 2025 budget being approved by council back in January, staff are now moving forward to plan the work to be completed this summer.
Resurfacing is planned for the following Collingwood roads in 2025:
- Belcher Street: Beachwood Road to North End
- Bell Boulevard: Alice Street to Sproule Avenue
- Currie Avenue: Edgar Street to Glen Road
- Dell Parr Avenue: Beachwood Road to Glenlake Road
- Downer Street: Beachwood Road to North End
- Eva Crescent: Highway 26 to North End
- Glen Road: Currie Avenue to East End
- Hickory Street: First Street to Third Street
- Huron Street: Highway 26 to Saint Lawrence Street
- Lakeview Avenue: Summer View Avenue to Georgian Manor Drive
- Macallister Street North: Beachwood Road to North end
- Macallister Street South: Glenlake Road to Beachwood Road
- Niagara Street: Erie Street to South End (Hospital)
- Russel Street: Simcoe Street to Saint Lawrence Street
- Second Street: High Street to Walnut Street
- Selkirk Road: Beachwood Road to North end
- Simcoe Street: Raglan Street to West End (50 metres west of Russell Street)
- Summerview Avenue: Poplar Sideroad to West end
- Sylvian Road: Beachwood Road to Glenlake Boulevard
- York Street: Beachwood Road to Glen Road
- Woodcrest Avenue: Macallister Street South to Sylvian Road
There will be regular road maintenance for pothole repair in addition to this project list.
Elm St. and Spruce St. between First and Second are also on the major project list for this year, but may be deferred or have their budgets increased based on market pricing, according to the town.
Lane resurfacing will take place on Ontario Street’s south access lane to Giant Tiger.
Road widening is planned for Mountain Road between Cambridge and Tenth Line this year, as is a sanitary sewer renewal for St. Paul St. and Fourth St.
Bridge rehabilitation and some reconstruction is planned for Third St. between Birch and Oak. St.
Highway 26 resurfacing is planned between Cranberry Trail West and Osler Bluff Road. Work will continue on the Minnesota St. storm sewer project.
There are a bunch of major infrastructure projects happening in 2025, with road work included in those projects.
Most of the projects are in the design stage and residents won’t see changes yet, however the controversial Sixth St. road reconstruction will have utilities relocated in 2025, in preparation for road work to start in 2026.
Construction is anticipated to start on sanitary work for St. Paul St. between Fourth and Ontario and Fourth between Ste. Marie and St. Paul in the summer of 2025. The work includes full reconstruction with a new sanitary sewer including services to the property line, new watermain upgrades and drainage improvements.
As part of the 2025 budget, town staff included a capital plan (of which road work is a part) for the next 10 years. To see which roads are planned to be done over the next decade with expected costs, see below.
Collingwood's Ten-Year Capital Plan
For more information on planned road work, click here.