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Trail volunteers rebuild observation platform overlooking Cranberry marsh

The observation platform is part of the Cranberry Marsh boardwalk trail

Several volunteers spent last week rebuilding an observation platform to restore the public viewing place overlooking an in-town marsh. 

The platform has existed for decades, but it fell into disrepair and the tall vegetation in the marsh made it hard to get a good view of it. 

Jack Marley, a trails volunteer, said the work was completed on Sept. 3 and the group used mostly repurposed lumber from other boardwalks to complete the task. The existing boardwalk trail was extended by about 100 feet to meet up with the observation platform. 

The Cranberry Marsh Trail is located at the west end of Collingwood across the highway from Lighthouse Point and just east of the Georgian Bay Hotel. You can get there via the Cranberry Inn Trail, or from the Georgian Trail via Atoka Trail and Cranberry Trail West. 

Click here for a digital trail map.


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