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1930 - 2024

A life lived …. 94 years, 2 months, 1 week, 5 days.
Rest in peace “Ma Bird”!

Old Age

I’ve lost my mo-Jo
my get-up and go-Jo,
I’m told I’m wrong
when I’m right.
My sons are in charge of family affairs,
They call me the boss
when I’m not.
I like George Carlin’s Euphemisms.
He tells it like it is,
I’m blind and deaf and crippled
and old age is the pits.
Some say it beats the alternative,
But how can they be so sure?

Unless they’re fallen angels
and I’ve known plenty of those.
There’s a conspiracy of silence;
my people seemed spry to the end.
Yet here am I, near 94,
without a living friend
from way back when.
One implored me to hang onto the perch
which I have tried to do.
But where is she when I need her?
Alas!  That’s anyone’s guess.

Memories and Condolences