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From the mayor's desk: The latest updates and happenings in Collingwood

Your comprehensive community update from Mayor Yvonne Hamlin.
Mayor Yvonne Hamlin with Health Minister Sylvia Jones

The following community update has been provided to CollingwoodToday by Mayor Yvonne Hamlin.

I hope everyone had a chance to enjoy the lazy days of summer over the last few months. As we settle into our more regular routines, here’s an update on some of the larger projects I am working on. There are lots of exciting and transformative things underway! It has been a busy time for me, Council and our staff.

1. Our New Hospital

I am working hard to get a new hospital for our community on Poplar Sideroad.  I met with both Premier Ford and Health Minister Sylvia Jones to impress on them our urgent need for new space and toured the Premier around our current hospital so he could see first-hand our sorely outdated and overcapacity building.

I have made it clear that a new hospital on Poplar is the number one priority in Collingwood.

I am feeling very hopeful that our new hospital will become a reality. I will not stop advocating until we get a positive funding announcement.

Left to right: Mayor Hamlin, Premier Doug Ford, CAO Sonya Skinner and MPP Brian Saunderson
Mayor Yvonne Hamlin meeting with Premier Doug Ford, MPP Brian Saunderson and CAO Sonya Skinner

2. Recreation facilities

Our Town is long overdue for a rec centre.

I am committed to getting a new multi-use rec facility in our community as soon as possible.

Work is now underway to prepare a report to Council before the end of the year that will list all of the activities and sports that we should consider including.  The province has also recently announced funding for rec centre developments and staff are eagerly investigating options for an application.

Consultations on the rec centre are happening now. Make sure you contribute if you have ideas. Check out how to participate at:

As we move forward, Council will consider setting up a Steering Committee to work on not only the best but the speediest way to move this project forward.

Postcards: What Moves You?

3. Community Arts and Culture Centre

Staff have recently brought forward reports on the proposed Arts Centre and I am pleased that they demonstrate its importance to the whole community.

This includes possible use of the Centre by: students of all ages; lecture series groups; Probus clubs; circus, improv and dance organizations; business meetings, conferences and corporate presentations; and of course, large gatherings for such events as weddings and celebrations of life.

Many are also looking forward to being able to attend performances of well-known comedians, singers and bands; as well as attending theatre, choir and orchestra performances, both local and touring. We have such an amazing local music scene looking for a home.

This facility will also assist in attracting new residents who are looking for quality-of-life enhancements.

Council recently received a preliminary costing for this Centre and sent it back to the consultants for further work.

Discussions have also started with the Public School Board on the students’ use as part of their curriculum.

I will be closely following this project to keep it moving forward. Our community deserves a home for the arts and entertainment.

The studies also document significant economic benefits to our downtown businesses, shops and restaurants should a downtown location be selected.

 person using ipad

4. Terminals Point Project

The developers and the Town are now in a due diligence period for this project including planning and engineering, extensive detailed design refinements, and multiple phases of community outreach, engagement and consultation. As soon as that work is complete, public consultations will begin on the rezoning that is needed for the new uses planned, as well as on the major public space enhancements that will be developed for our community. We expect this next phase to get underway late this fall.

Public engagement continues as ten lucky participants will be joining me for a Tour of the Terminals. The following individuals' names were drawn at random on the PEAK FM Wednesday morning.
1. A. Davidian
2. C. Hopkins
3. D. Saunders-Chatwin
4. J. Cumming
5. M. Taylor
6. R. Leenaars
7. S. Firman
8. S. Price
9. S. Cox
10. T. O'Connell

To learn about more engagement opportunities and learn more about the project visit:
Terminals Point swim area rendering

5. Expansion of the Water Treatment Plant

After much work and negotiations, the groundbreaking ceremony for this project was held in June 2024. This expansion sets the stage for the significant growth the Province tells us to expect.

New Tecumseth is a major partner in the project and is sharing in its cost. I also expect that the Province will be making an announcement soon on its financial contribution.

For those who are missing the section of our trail that wound around the back of the plant, be assured it will be re-opened when construction is finished.
 Water Treatment Plant rendering

6. Waterfront Public Piazza Park

I am committed to Collingwood having a beautiful and accessible public waterfront. As part of that vision, this new piazza park will be located west of the Harbour House condo building (now under construction on Huron St). The piazza will extend from Huron St to Side Launch Way.

The design is now being finalized, which follows the community consultation which took place in the spring. Construction is scheduled for 2025.

Map showing location of public piazza
Check out the 'view corridor' to the water.

7. Finally, there are a number of major reviews underway that will result in staff reports coming forward to Council for consideration. 

These include:

There are so many opportunities to have input into all of these projects and plans.  To learn about how to participate and subscribe to receive updates visit each project page here.

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