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Healing from within: Exploring the mind-body connection through hypnotherapy

The science and benefits of modern hypnosis

Have you ever driven home and can’t remember how you got there? Or got so absorbed in a show or sports game that you lost track of time?

Jacqueline Young, a holistic wellness coach and hypnotist, says that’s hypnosis. 

“It’s not a parlour trick and it is so much more than entertainment.”

She spent over 30 years in education, focusing on building leaders and strong ethical teams with integrity, kindness, brain research, and neuroplasticity. She also helped parents, students, and staff navigate challenges by developing strong communication skills.

“I find it fascinating how I became interested in hypnosis as a complement to medicine and psychology through wellness research. Once I retired as CEO of a school board, all areas of interest led straight to hypnosis,” she says.

If you struggle to change your behaviours, thought patterns, and physical health, hypnosis could be the right tool for you.

“It is easy to make changes using hypnosis. I have had the extraordinary pleasure of working with people who overcame severe childhood trauma, debilitating thought patterns, and painful medical conditions. We have scientific proof of how the unconscious mind works. I can guarantee results because it works!”

“Many don’t understand how effective hypnosis can be for relief from painful thoughts, chronic and acute pain, limiting behaviours, past trauma, etc. It’s not a cure-all, but it’s the closest I’ve seen, and the British and American Medical Associations recognize it for helping to address medical and dental ailments.”


How does hypnosis work?

Jacqueline provides a safe, supportive environment and uses metaphors and visualization to help clients achieve a relaxed state. In this state, she can speak to the unconscious mind and identify what is preventing them from achieving a goal or causing anxiety.

The most effective work is done in a warm, safe place with someone who is knowledgeable, confident, professional, and approachable. She makes big ideas accessible in a kind, caring, and fun-loving manner, and ensures the client always feels in control.

Jacqueline assures that clients won’t be asleep and won’t say anything they don’t want her to know—it’s not like she can read minds or get their PIN. “Some people fear what they might uncover, which is why my education background and master’s in counselling help, along with the time we spend creating a sense of safety and confidentiality.”

“Your unconscious mind has access to information that your conscious state doesn’t. We pride ourselves on being logical, analytical, and calculating, but that is only one part of the mind. Our history, parental voice, environment (good and bad), and experiences have attached feelings and emotions held in our unconscious—often influencing us in unhelpful ways. Through hypnosis, we find the root cause of anxiety, self-sabotage, and pain and alleviate it completely. Whenever someone feels ‘stuck’, hypnosis is probably the best tool!”

The benefits

Hypnotherapy can help with issues like finding misplaced keys or jewellery, illness management, and pain. It can help you deal with challenges like sickness, insomnia, fertility issues, unexplained thoughts and behaviours, self-sabotage, anxiety, depression, feelings of isolation and unworthiness, fears (flying, dentists, needles, spiders, snakes, MRI machines for claustrophobics), smoking, drinking, overeating, or vaping.

“It can help with almost anything,” says Jacqueline. “If you want to improve your life, hypnosis can help.”

She has been a certified hypnotist for over four years in regular hypnosis and with specialties in Parts Therapy, Life Between Lives, Past Life Regression, and Medical Integrative Hypnosis. She has gained international attention for her methods and results. She has also been invited to speak to other hypnotists to explain her methods of success as a Master Certified Trainer. 

Jacqueline believes in empowerment and education. She says, “I want my clients to understand how hypnosis works because the more you understand, the more empowered you become, and the easier it is to embrace the results!”

When working with clients, she focuses on mastering self-agency. She says, “The worst thing is to feel victimized—by thoughts, behaviours, pain, or emotions; hypnosis can help. We can alleviate old fears immediately.” She also teaches self-relaxation so clients feel more empowered over their illness or life circumstance.

“I want people to understand the value of hypnosis and that they have nothing to fear in considering this as a primary option for relief.”

Jackie offers The Mind, Body, and Spirit Coherence course for men and women in separate groups. Clients report happier lives, stronger marriages, better boundaries, and greater self-acceptance. She works with women facing fertility challenges and CEOs and business leaders wanting to improve their teams’ results and find work-life balance.

“Don’t be fearful. Hypnosis is science-based and backed by fMRI and research. If you’re interested, reach out for a consultation. You don’t need to live with feelings or behaviours that hold you back. It can help, and you have nothing to lose by a free consult call!”

Open Minds Hypnosis won the Best Business 2023 award from the Canadian Business Review Board, and Jacqueline recently won the Holistic Wellness Coach of the Year for 2024. She has been a speaker for the International Association of Counsellors and Therapists on parts therapy, overcoming imposter syndrome, and her new coursework The Mind, Body, and Spirit Coherence and Mastering Self Agency. She is also recognized in their publication, under the section Ask The Expert!

To learn more, visit Open Minds Hypnosis, call 905-622-6567, or email [email protected].

Follow her on Facebook, Instagram @jackie_openmindshypnosis, and LinkedIn.

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