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How to enhance senior wellness: Why hydration matters

Raglan Village promotes hydration for a thriving senior lifestyle

Proper hydration is essential for a vibrant and active lifestyle, especially for seniors. Hydration is more than just quenching thirst; it is crucial to overall health and wellness. 

Hydration is crucial for various aspects of health. Proper hydration helps keep joints lubricated, muscles energized, and heart function. Dehydration can lead to joint pain, muscle cramps, and fatigue, hindering mobility and activity levels. Additionally, water is vital for brain health. Even mild dehydration can impair cognitive functions such as concentration, memory, and mood regulation. While staying hydrated we support mental clarity and overall cognitive performance.  

Seniors are more sensitive to temperature fluctuations, and adequate hydration helps regulate body temperature, particularly during hot weather or physical activities. Water is also essential for digestion and nutrient absorption, helping to prevent constipation and promote a healthy digestive system. Chronic dehydration can lead to severe health problems such as urinary tract infections, kidney stones, and heatstroke.

Maintaining proper hydration is a simple yet effective way to avoid these issues. 

Hydration can be particularly challenging for older adults due to factors like reduced thirst sensitivity, changes in body composition, and certain medications. Incorporating water-rich foods such as cucumbers, watermelon, lettuce, strawberries, and tomatoes into your diet is beneficial to ensure adequate hydration. Soups and broths are also excellent options. Carrying a refillable water bottle or keeping a pitcher of water within easy reach throughout the day can also help maintain hydration. Raglan staff ensure water is made available at all meals, in the café areas, bistro and of course the gym.   

At Raglan Village, the amenities—including a fitness centre, saltwater pool, restaurant, and wellness centre—are designed to support a healthy lifestyle. The dedicated staff can always offer guidance and support for optimal hydration and overall health. 

Located conveniently close to shopping, hospitals, restaurants, and local attractions, Raglan Village is more than just a place to live—it's a community committed to your health and happiness. 

Raglan Village offers a wealth of lifestyle choices within one integrated community. You can also benefit from exclusive membership to The Raglan Club, a vibrant, active centre featuring a fitness centre, saltwater pool, restaurant, theatre, games lounge, and wellness centre. 

For more information please visit them online here.