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COVID vaccine pop-up clinic returning to Thornbury tomorrow

Approximately 160 local residents were vaccinated at a pop-up COVID-19 vaccine clinic on Sunday
2021_03_23 Beaver Valley Community Centre_TBM_JG
A drive-thru COVID-19 vaccine clinic was held in Thornbury at the Beaver Valley Community Centre on Sunday. Jennifer Golletz/ CollingwoodToday

The Town of the Blue Mountains (TBM) held its first local COVID-19 vaccination clinic on Sunday.

“We have requested that the health unit consider a vaccination clinic in Thornbury,” said TBM Mayor Alar Soever. “We have made the community centre available and there was one clinic there on Sunday.”

Ryan Gibbons, director of community services for TBM said approximately 160 individuals were vaccinated at the Beaver Valley Community Centre in Thornbury on Sunday. 

“They did a drive-thru, which was very successful and very efficient,” said Gibbons. “On Wednesday there is another vaccination clinic expected for approximately 80 people. That clinic will be done inside the community centre.” 

Gibbons added that within the course of the week, TBM will have conducted two different layouts for the vaccine distribution and intends to streamline the process to be as efficient as possible. 

As of March 22, the Grey Bruce Health Unit has administered 18,871 doses of COVID-19 vaccine in Grey and Bruce.

This week, the health unit has focused its vaccine distribution on residents over the age of 75, First Nations communities and high-priority healthcare workers. 

Those turning 75 this year or older, born 1946 or earlier, can make appointments through the provincial online booking system for COVID-19 vaccinations at Those without access to the internet can call the toll-free number 1-888-999-6488.

Vaccines are not available without an appointment and drop-ins will not be vaccinated.

For additional information on the health unit’s vaccine roll out program, visit the GBHU website.


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