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Grey Bruce Health Unit launches app, reinstates COVID-19 helpline

The GBHU's vaccine app includes links to help book vaccine appointments and an interactive map showing the locations of operating clinics
2021_04_27 GBHU app_JG
The app is now available free to download from Google Play and Apple Stores for all mobile devices and tablets. Contributed photo.

A new app has been developed to assist Grey-Bruce residents in booking their COVID-19 vaccine appointments. 

“The Grey Bruce COVID-19 Vaccine App allows for seamless booking of vaccination appointments via your mobile device, as well as a way to stay up-to-date on current information about the COVID-19 vaccine rollout in Grey and Bruce counties”, said Dr. Ian Arra, medical officer of health for the Grey Bruce Health Unit (GBHU) in a news release.

The app has been developed in partnership with Bruce Power and NPX Innovation and is now available free to download from Google Play and Apple Stores for all mobile devices and tablets. 

The app features include:

  • Links to help you book your appointment
  • An interactive map showing the locations of operating clinics
  • What to expect at a mass clinic with a video and photo walk-through
  • Information about the COVID-19 vaccine
  • Who will get vaccinated and when

“This app brings all of the information from our website to people’s cell phones in an application. This will ensure the public remains informed, and enhance our ability to reach more people in Grey and Bruce,” stated Arra in the release.

To book a vaccine appointment over the phone, call the Grey Bruce vaccine line at: 1-833-421-1999; Monday to Friday: 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Saturday 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

For additional information on eligibility and booking through the local GBHU booking system, visit: Local booking system for other eligible groups. At this time, the local booking system only books first appointments. The majority of clients that book using this system must book their second appointment when it is due – 16 weeks after the first dose. 

For information on eligibility and booking through the provincial system, visit: About the provincial booking system. Please note the provincial booking system can book first and second appointments.

The GBHU has also reinstated its COVID-19 helpline for general information and inquiries about COVID-19: 519-376-9420, ext. 3000.

Earlier this month, GBHU staff were reassigned from the helpline to assist contact tracing and case management during a recent surge in COVID-19 cases.

After successfully containing the surge locally, the helpline has now been reactivated. When calling the helpline, the health unit would like to remind the public to ensure you speak respectfully to the staff, avoiding rude, vulgar or cruel language, as it will not be tolerated.

The helpline provides general guidance related to COVID-19 and is not a vaccine booking system or capable of managing booking system challenges.


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