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Grey County considering $5 million in cuts to lower tax hike

County council approved more than $800,000 in reductions at the meeting, larger and more significant possible spending cuts continue to loom
Grey County council held a virtual budget workshop to receive more than $5 million in potential spending cuts to lower the 2024 tax hike.

Grey County council is considering more than $5 million in across the board budget/service cuts to lower a possible double digit tax increase in 2024.

On Nov. 3, county council held a special virtual budget workshop to go over a list of potential cuts to the proposed budget for 2024. In the early days of the budget process, county taxpayers are facing a tax hike of more than 12 per cent, which represents in excess of $8.4 million in increased net (minus new revenue from growth) spending over 2023.

At the workshop, county staff presented a package of potential spending cuts that could lower the $8.4 million by more than five million dollars. The spending reductions were presented in four separate levels. The first was a series of cuts that staff had found after the initial budget presentation to council on Oct. 24. Council agreed to a total of $836,400 (1.2 per cent) in reductions proposed by staff. They included using reserves and one-time funding for some expenses, a reduction in amounts being transferred to reserve and the elimination of some new staff positions that were proposed in 2024.

After those cuts, the decisions became a lot tougher for members of council. Staff presented three groups of proposed cuts labelled Level 1, 2 and 3. The impact of the possible cuts on services levels provided to local residents escalated by level.

“This is a very difficult process. We’ve got a long way to go,” said Chatsworth Mayor Scott Mackey as council went through the list of potential cuts.

The list included:

  • A reduction to travel, meals and conference budgets
  • Reduced training for staff
  • Elimination of the warden’s banquet
  • Elimination of a staff long-service recognition program
  • Reducing the county’s financial commitment to healthcare initiatives
  • A reduction or complete elimination of planned enhancements to paramedic services
  • Elimination of climate change initiatives
  • Elimination of student staff positions at Grey Roots
  • Multiple and significant cuts to a range of social, community and children’s services
  • Cuts to long-term care programs
  • Elimination of the county’s affordable housing contribution
  • Reduction of reserve transfers for future transportation capital projects

The full list of potential cuts can be found online here.

The magnitude of the possible cutbacks were weighing heavily on the minds of councillors.

Warden Brian Milne said it “irritates” him to see the county level of government possibly cutting social services that were meant to be delivered by the provincial government.

“A lot of these are items the province should be looking after,” said Milne. “They were never intended to be funded by the property tax base.”

Owen Sound Deputy Mayor Scott Greig said they face harsh choices.

“This is going to be a very difficult process and it has to be,” he said.

The Blue Mountains Mayor Andrea Matrosovs expressed concerns about eliminating funding for affordable housing.

“I’m deeply worried about that,” she said.

During the course of the meeting, council also met in closed session to discuss labour relations and personal matters. No decisions about potential spending cuts were made at the meeting. Council will discuss the potential budget cuts at its next regular meeting on Thursday, Nov. 9.


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