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Grey Highlands ends ice-time discounts for local sports groups

Groups booking 50 hours or more of ice team at one of the four Grey Highlands arenas will no longer receive a discounted ice time rate
Local minors sports organizations will no longer get discounted arena rates in Grey HIghlands.

Grey Highlands council has put an end to ice time discounts for local groups, including minor sports organizations.

At its meeting on March 20, council voted 5-2 in favour of not including a 20 per cent discount on ice time rentals for local sports organizations that book more than 50 hours of time each year and for local non-profits and volunteer groups. Deputy Mayor Dane Nielsen and Coun. Nadia Dubyk were opposed.

The matter came to the council table as part of a larger report to establish new and uniform rate structures for the rentals of ice time, arena floors and local community halls - both large and small.

In a report, municipal staff recommended that a 20 per cent discount be applied on ice time rentals for groups who book more than 50 hours of time and for non-profit organizations and volunteer groups.

After considerable discussion, council voted to remove the ice tine discounts from the rate structure. All groups will now be charged a uniform ice time rate of $132 an hour during prime time and $88 during non-prime time. The rates apply at all four arenas Grey Highlands operates.

“We have to get to the point where we’re generating more income,” said Coun. Paul Allen, who raised the issue for discussion.

Coun. Tom Allwood supported the move as he felt a uniform rate for ice time charged to all groups would generate more income and make the arenas more viable.

“I’m in favour of no discounts and increased rates to keep our ice surfaces open,” he said.

The rate review report came forward after a recommendation in the municipality’s recreation master plan suggested Grey Highlands needed to take a look at its rates. It has been several years since any of the rates have been adjusted in Grey Highlands.

Staff also spent time reviewing the rates of several neighbour municipalities - Chatsworth, West Grey, Southgate and Georgian Bluffs - to ensure the changes for Grey Highlands were in line with other local rates.

Michele Harris, director of community and economic development, said the discounts for large blocks of time were fairly standard in arena operations. As an example, she said the discount would be applied to a minor hockey group that books its arena hours in advance for the entire season through a contract with the municipality.

“It’s fairly common,” she said.

Coun. Dan Wickens also called for the discounts to end.

“I don’t think we should have any premiums or discounts. It is what it is and either you pay it or you go somewhere else,” he said.


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