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New Markdale Hospital construction proceeding

New Markdale Hospital expected to open in the fall of 2023
new markdale hospital
Construction on the new Markdale Hospital continues.

Construction on the new Markdale Hospital is proceeding well with the project expected to be completed before the end of summer.

Grey Bruce Health Services (GBHS) Vice-President and CFO John Kurvink updated Grey County council about the project on July 28. The new hospital is being built on land donated by the county adjacent to the Grey Gables Long-Term Care Home.

Kurvink said the project has reached 60 per cent of the $69 million total value of the project.

“It’s coming along quite nice,” he said. “It’s going to be incredible.”

The new hospital is expected to open in fall of 2023 and GBHS has begun planning for the transition to the new building. The new building has received 90 per cent funding from the provincial government, with 10 per cent being raised by the community. However, the community is responsible for 100 per cent of the furniture, fixtures and equipment.

The new 68,000 square foot hospital will include: seven beds, 24/7 emergency room, three exam rooms and a treatment room, palliative care room, physiotherapy, procedures room (i.e. endoscopy, colonoscopy), diagnostic imaging (x-ray, ultrasound), ambulatory care (out-patient clinics – memory clinic, mental health, diabetes, etc.), laboratory, café, spiritual care, Centre Grey Hospital Foundation Office and undesignated flex space on ground floor for future expansion.

“We have a lot of room, we’re already planning that we need to have a C-T in Markdale,” said Kurvink.

GBHS will make a decision on what to do with the old hospital building in downtown Markdale after the new facility opens.

“It’s very exciting,” Warden Selwyn Hicks said after receiving the update.

CAO Kim Wingrove offered thanks to GBHS on behalf of county staff for their willingness to engage with work with the county on any issues.

“With a significant construction project adjacent to Grey Gables, there is always the potential for unexpected conflicts,” said Wingrove. “This project has gone so well.”


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