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One new case of COVID-19 reported in Grey Highlands today

There are 19 active cases in both Grey and Bruce counties, 11 of which are variants of concern
SUN COVID-19 graphic

The Grey Bruce Health Unit (GBHU) is reporting four new cases of COVID-19 today. 

The new cases are located in the municipality of Grey Highlands (1), Owen Sound (2) and the South Bruce Peninsula (1). 

The health unit has reported a total of 737 cases in the region to date, and notes there are 19 active cases in both counties combined. 

GBHU is also reporting the region has had a total of 14 cases of variants of concern, 11 of which are active. 

The health unit has had two deaths related to COVID-19, and there are currently two individuals hospitalized with COVID in the region at this time.  

Active cases in Grey County are currently located in Owen Sound (3), Southgate (2), Grey Highlands (1), the Town of The Blue Mountains (8), and Meaford (2). 

The health unit is currently tracking 84 high-risk contacts associated with active cases.

Of GBHU’s 737 cumulative cases, 716 cases are resolved.

Resolved COVID-19 cases in Grey County include: Owen Sound (115); Southgate (94); Grey Highlands (71); West Grey (49); Blue Mountains (45); Hanover (46); Meaford (23); Georgian Bluffs (7); Chatsworth (10). 

To-date GBHU has currently administered 17,565  doses of the COVID-19 vaccine. This week, the health unit has focused its vaccine distribution on residents over the age of 80, First Nations communities and high priority healthcare workers. 

Those turning 80 this year or older, born 1941 or earlier, can make appointments through the provincial online booking system for COVID-19 vaccinations at Those without access to the internet can call the toll-free number 1-888-999-6488.

For additional information on the health unit’s vaccine roll-out program, visit the GBHU website.


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