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TBM council tackling 2025 budget this week

Draft 2025 budget numbers show a preliminary local tax increase of more than 10 per cent, council will be reviewing the numbers at four special budget meetings this week
Town Hall
The Blue Mountains Town Hall

The meeting dates have been set and council’s deliberations on the 2025 budget for the Town of The Blue Mountains will be happening all week.

The Blue Mountains council will be holding four special committee of the whole budget meetings this week. The meetings are being held on Tuesday, Jan. 7 at 9:30 a.m., Wednesday Jan. 8 at 9:30 a.m., Thursday, Jan. 9 at 1 p.m. and Friday, Jan. 10 at 9:30 a.m.

The 2025 proposed budget is available for public review and input. The proposed budget includes the 2025 operating budget and a five-year capital budget. The public can review the 2025 proposed budget online here.

The town faced a number of challenges as it prepared the draft 2025 budget including a fluctuating economic environment and continued growth in both population and service demand.

The town has kept the cumulative tax rate increase over the past five years at five per cent, which is lower than the 17.5 per cent increase in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) during the same period.

The 2025 budget prioritizes core services, maintains fiscal responsibility, and strategically invests in the future, all while mitigating the impact of inflation and growth on residents, states a news release from the town.

The 2025 proposed tax rate increase is 10.06 per cent. This represents an estimated increase of $213 to an approximate total of $2,331 for the town portion of the annual property taxes. These numbers are based on the median assessed value of a home in The Blue Mountains as set by MPAC at $530,000.

“During the special budget meetings in January, staff and council are committed to working collaboratively to look for opportunities to mitigate or offset this initial proposed increase,” said Deputy Mayor Peter Bordignon in the news release. “Through open dialogue, careful analysis, and a shared focus on balancing fiscal responsibility with the community's needs, staff will explore cost-saving opportunities, prioritize essential services, and identify innovative solutions. This cooperative approach ensures that the final budget reflects both operational efficiencies and the strategic priorities of the municipality, while minimizing the financial impact on residents.”

Also included in the budget is a proposed increase in water and wastewater user fees. These fees are paid directly by the users that are connected to municipal water and wastewater services. For the average home in the town, using 180 cubic metres of water, the estimated increase for the water portion is $17.69 with the wastewater portion increasing by $21.85.

The 2025 proposed budget also includes a $107 million capital budget to support key infrastructure projects throughout the town. Major investments proposed in the 2025 capital program include:

  • $41.6 million in infrastructure capital projects including:
    • Craigleith/Mill Street Sewage Lift Station Upgrades and Forcemain construction ($11 million)
    • Thornbury West Phase 1A & B Reconstruction ($7.6 million)
    • Westside Water Storage and Distribution ($5.8 million)
    • Peel Street North Reconstruction ($3.4 million)
    • Thornbury Water Treatment Plant Upgrades ($2.9 million)
  • $34.5 million in wastewater infrastructure investment, which is essential to prevent environmental contamination, enhance efficiency, comply with regulatory standards, and protect public health. Major investments include the Thornbury Wastewater Treatment Plant expansion and the Thornbury Wastewater Treatment Plant outfall.
  • $11.9 million towards the build of the new Craigleith Fire Hall. This investment will significantly enhance public safety by improving emergency response times and providing better community coverage through increased capacity for personnel and modern firefighting equipment.
  • $3.9 million in water infrastructure investment to ensure a safe and reliable water supply, accommodate growth and protect public health and the environment.
  • $2.1 million to begin expansion of the Ravenna Road Depot. Expansion of this facility will accommodate increased traffic and maintenance needs for the town’s roads and drainage fleet. This will ensure efficient and effective road services, which will support future growth and development in the community.
  • $1.9 million to replace two plow trucks. This replacement ensures that road clearing operations can be conducted in a timely and efficient manner, especially during winter, which is crucial for public safety and accessibility. The new trucks will also significantly reduce downtime and maintenance costs.
  • $1.5 million to replace the Fire Aerial Pumper. Replacement of crucial emergency response vehicles ensures public safety service levels remain high. A modernized truck also minimizes downtime and maintenance costs.

The special budget meetings this week will be council’s opportunity to review and deliberate on the proposed 2025 budget. The special budget meetings will be held in person and will be live-streamed, with a recording posted to the town website following the meeting. 

After review and direction from council through these meetings, revisions to the budget may be made, and the updated draft budget will be posted to the town website on Tuesday, Jan. 28, 2025.

Following the release of the updated budget, the town will hold a public meeting on Feb. 18, 2025. The public meeting provides the opportunity for residents to address council directly or to submit an email or letter that will be read by the town clerk.

Following the public meeting, town staff will then bring a report to the committee of the whole meeting on Monday, Feb. 24, 2025, outlining the public’s comments from the public meeting. Following this meeting, any further changes will be incorporated into the 2025 budget for council approval, which is expected to occur on Monday, March 10, 2025.

Residents are encouraged to participate and share feedback with council throughout the budget process. To learn about how to participate at a meeting or how to provide comments, please visit the webpage here.


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