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TBM council will start summer break next week

The Blue Mountains council will begin summer break on Tuesday, July 16 and will reconvene on August 26
Town Hall
The Blue Mountains Town Hall

The Blue Mountains council is about to go on summer break.

Following council’s meeting on Monday July 15, 2024, council is on break from Tuesday July 16, 2024 to Friday August 16, 2024.

Council will reconvene for the regularly scheduled committee of the whole meeting on Monday August 26, 2024 at 9:30 a.m. 

In accordance with the town’s procedural bylaw, special meetings of council may be called at the discretion of the mayor and town clerk. Notice of any scheduled special meetings of council will be circulated via e-blast to subscribers and posted to the town’s webpage for agendas, minutes and reports. The council break does not impact committee of council or board meetings.

Anybody with questions related to the council break and upcoming council meetings can contact the clerk’s department at: [email protected] or 519-599-3131 ext. 232.