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The Blue Mountains switches Lobsterfest to takeout model

The annual fundraiser will support the Marsh Street Centre, which is in danger of closing without financial support
2020_06_26_TBM Lobsterfest_JG
The Town of the Blue Mountains will be shifting its traditional Lobsterfest to a take-out and outdoor dining event this year in light of COVID-19 precautions. Stock photo.

The annual Lobsterfest hosted by the Town of the Blue Mountains (TBM) may look a little bit different this year but organizers still plan to serve up great eats while raising funds for the community.

“We are hoping to help raise some money and give the community a chance to have a bit of a relief valve as we exit the COVID lockdown,” said TBM Councillor Rob Sampson.

The TBM Grants and Donations Committee will be teaming up with the Marsh Street Centre, a local performing arts centre, to host the event and planning is well underway.

According to Jan Seneshen, vice president and director of fundraising for the Marsh Street Centre, this year’s Lobsterfest will consist of “no-touch” take-away lobster or chicken dinners at set times throughout the evening.

“And, limited seating will also be available within family bubbles at safely distanced spaces right at the venue, which will also offer live music performed by a local band,” she says.

“As soon as we heard TBM was looking to hold an outdoor Lobsterfest, we asked if we could jump on board and help. It is a great way for us to earn a bit of operating income and for us to be involved with a wonderful event for the community at the same time,” she adds.

Sampson says the intent behind the event is to raise money for places like the centre, who have had little to no revenue since the start of the pandemic.

“Places like this will be limited for the foreseeable future and may have no revenue at all for the entire year. That is a huge setback for them,” he adds.

Seneshen explains that the centre has been operating in the community for almost 20 years. It is a community-owned and operated charitable organization with all of its operating income deriving from hall rentals, concerts and fundraising events.

“Since COVID-19, we have had to close our doors to the public, lay off our two part-time employees and suspend all programs and improvement projects,” she says. “Without additional operating income, we will only be able to afford to “keep the lights on” at the Marsh Street Centre for a few more months.”

The TBM Lobsterfest is tentatively scheduled for Saturday, July 25. For more information, stay tuned to the TBM events calendar.

“The Marsh Street Centre is all about community. Our job is to add to the economic, social, physical, mental and emotional health of our town – through music, fun and great experiences. We are hoping this Lobsterfest will help lift everyone’s energy and spirits in the summer ahead,” Seneshen adds.

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Jennifer Golletz

About the Author: Jennifer Golletz

Jennifer Golletz covers civic matters under the Local Journalism Initative, which is funded by the Government of Canada
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