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Thornbury BIA featuring business owners on lamp post banners

The BIA is designing the banners now for installation next spring
2020_06_23_Thornbury BIA downtown banner_JG
These are two of the initial concepts the BIA is discussing as possible new downtown banner artwork.

The Thornbury Business Area Improvement (BIA) board recently had its first look at a number of preliminary designs of the new lamp post banners that will showcase local businesses and destinations.

“It is a good concept that gives a face to some of our downtown businesses,” said the Town of the Blue Mountains deputy mayor and BIA board member, Rob Potter, at a recent BIA board meeting.

The banners will wrap around the lamp posts with one panel on each side of the pole.

“I like the idea, it is colourful, and people that are driving through, this will speak to things they can do in the area,” said George Matamoros, chair of the BIA. “Again, this is an initial effort and the idea is to collect some feedback and see if we want to develop these concepts.”

Members of the BIA also discussed possibly removing the names of the individuals on the banners, and may just include the images instead.

The board is also looking at its options to print the banners and hopes to improve the quality of material and image from the previous version that was installed.

“We have a real issue with getting a quality product,” said Melanie Johns, director with the BIA “The banners were not good when they arrived the last time. It was very disappointing.”

The BIA board will be finalizing the banner designs in the coming weeks and they are expected to be installed in the downtown area next spring.


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